Sunday, December 05, 2010

Me not dead

Hey I am alive and not dead. It's final project crunch time, so I'm working away at that. Procrastinating here, though.

Quick up to date things:

Music - Thin Lizzy, Some earlier Iron and Wine, Lots of Astronautalis and P.O.S as well as a decent amount of Tori Amos I hadn't been familiar with.

Movies - Wayne's World is still incredible, still having attempts to watch Wayne's World 2 thwarted at every turn.

TV - Modern Family, Big Bang Theory, 30 Rock, Married With Children, 3rd Rock From the Sun, Stargate Universe, Boardwalk Empire, all great. So good.

Books - Uhhhhhhhhhh, I'm working on it.

Drawing some comics, be news soon I hope.

Tonight I felt something I haven't in a long time, and it reminded me of my step-dad and I almost lost it. I am not having a good time right now. In other news, I am glad my friends are awesome and keep me from going crazy in situations such as these, and are willing to go out into cold to do so, my friends are the best.

Speaking of friends, Mary is back! Not very good conditions of her return, which is sucky, but as much as I'd like to claim otherwise, I did miss her.

Also, almost winter break, looking for work, sleep, etc.


Z said...

As your perpetual bro, I'm dismayed that I have no inkling of all subjects which you speak of. Nigga, my shit's not important; I can drop things and bus-surf into your residence promptly and with little prompting.

As the old adage goes, "If you can fit Thin Lizzy into a schedule, you can also fit Zach."

I think it's mostly applicable in this context. You merely have to truncate my name differently.

Keith said...

I should replace all instances of listening to Thin Lizzy with having you sit in the corner of my room and talk. Possibly while I do work.

Speaking of which I will be free of homework for a short period in the near future. At which point I will notify you, using a series of lights and screams, and you should join us in my abode, near a fire, on purpose fire.