Oh man, almost done Lost. Aaaaalmost.
Just a quick update thing. I guess there were some protests that escalated into Riots downtown today because of the G20. Figures, I mean, big controversial political gathering, lots of people blah blah blah it's bound to happen. And don't get me wrong here, I don't agree with the G20 or anything it represents in any way, really I don't, but really people? destroy a couple of stores, set some shit on fire, you're accomplishing what here? A professor of mine said "with peaceful protest, the press will focus on the cause. with violent protest, the press will only focus on the violence." and he's got a good point. Look at the news, right now, the coverage of the riots? Are they talking about the G20, or WHY they were protesting it? No, they're talking about the stores that got destroyed and the people who were hurt.
You want to protest? Fine, protest, it's good. But if you're more interested in breaking bank windows and flipping cop cars then maybe you need to find a new cause, because either you don't know enough about this one to do something useful and intelligent about it, or you're 17 and you just watched V for Vendetta for the first time. Either way, breaking shit? fucking, a dozen blocks from where the summit is even happening?
Great job, take that Starbucks.
One thing I read on the subject on Friday was the foresight of a few cops, who said that they weren't worried about anything happening that day; that some well-meaning protesters would do their thing with a modicum of self-restraint.
But on Saturday, they believed, people would be coming from outside of Toronto to "protest"; to wreck things with a sense of reduced accountability for their actions. And since they don't live in the city, what it looks like after the summit's over is of no consequence to them.
Well, you know, bullshit and hypocrisy on all sides of the table.
As an afterthought, that might across as the bromides of a sort of localized nationalism, by shifting all blame away from Toronto's locals—insinuating that only outsiders could show wanton violence.
Which is not my opinion.
People from Toronto are monsters like everyone else, but I think out-of-towners would likely get the ball rolling for the aforementioned reasons. Then the crowd mentality kicks in, among other things.
It could be worse though, you could have the fallout from someone in power feigning arahitogami and declaring that the people of Toronto are devoid of rights.
I'm going to shoot myself in the face now.
Zack why don't you put all of your intelligence and ramblings to use and become the next Conan?
Keith can be the co-host with a funny mustache.
Only if we get to dub over episodes of Ghost in the Shell.
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